Is there something fishy about 9/11? Glad you asked....

So you smelled a rat, eh?

Let's go through this and you'll see why you have a right to be suspicious about what really happened on 9/11.

Please watch this first video linked here. It’s only one minute. You’re going to be impressed.

This is a local news video of a witness named Kenny Johannemann testifying to explosions that happened in the basement of one of the WTC towers. While he is testifying you still see both of the twin towers burning behind him in the background. This was live footage and it's only ONE minute long. Go ahead and watch this here:

Those explosions were from charges that were set up to weaken the structure preparatory to pulling the tower. You didn’t see this on TV. Does that prick your interest?

Now look at this. Barry Jennings was another witness that got stuck in Building Seven during 9/11. Building Seven fell later that same day but was NEVER hit by a jet. Watch his account here:

Again, the explosions he talked about were from charges that were set up to weaken the structure preparatory to pulling down this building. Again, you didn't see Barry’s testimony on TV.

Here’s some different evidence. Steve Jones, a nuclear physicist, obtained WTC dust samples from the collapsed WTC towers and analyzed it. He reported his detailed findings here in Boston:

Those “red chips” he talked about weren’t the smoking gun they were THE GUN.

See the article here:

Click here for his actual peer-reviewed paper:

Now get a load of this:

The BBC reported the collapse of the Solomon Building (WTC Building #7) 20 minutes BEFORE it actually collapsed. Watch that here:

How did the BBC know in advance that Building Seven would collapse? The fact that it was announced in advance is strong support that the flow of information on this tragedy was being controlled.

Were the people at the BBC the only people privy to this information? Probably not. Larry Silverstein was the leaseholder of Building #7. In a 2002 PBS documentary he talked about how he discussed the Building Seven situation with the fire department and how the decision was made by that department to "pull" it.

Well, there is one problem with his testimony that you may want to consider. It takes about a week to rig a building with explosives before you pull it. So are buildings constructed with built-in explosives just in case they need to be blown up in a hurry? Building #7 went down that same day. Whoops! Watch Larry's testimony from the PBS documentary here in this short clip:

Incidentally, luckily for Larry, he insured his property in the nick of time just six months before September 11th! It was a sweet deal.

So who orchestrated this terrorist event anyway? They had to get past the FBI and CIA and prepare at least three buildings for demolition as well as direct the activities of men with box cutters (if they even existed). It’s clear from the evidence presented here so far that at least some of the media was in on this.

What else could explain the "BBC blunder?" Somebody had to be in control the information to the mainstream who?

We do need a new investiagtion now, don't we?

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